I recently had the chance to assist the Collégien Town Hall with a complete overhaul of their website. On the agenda: new styles, an accessible platform, dark mode, and relevant insights for the Collégien residents!
Working with the teams from the Collégien Town Hall has been a great pleasure, leading to a collaborative experience that I have rarely encountered and a result that meets their high expectations.
Florian, thanks to you, the elected officials of Collégien now have a website that reflects their ambitious public policy. Thank you for your commitment and, above all, for the quality of this achievement; and all this at a very attractive price. Along with the Marne et Gondoire communication service, we are very grateful for this success.
Right down to the fingertips.
A work of precision and excellence.
The mockups were provided by the city’s communication department, and I carried out the integration with pixel-perfect accuracy.
A scalable framework for building incredible interfaces.
Pixel-perfect prototypes to ensure a high-quality product.